What a fun Friday night!!! ✨We played with @summernightstributeband at @irvinenights and @greatparklive! Such an awesome venue being run by amazing people. A huge thank you to Cory Stoner and your fabulous team, thank you to Joy for your marketing magic, thank you to all of the amazing techs, thank you to Boston the DJ….you guys all rock!!
Another huge thank you to my fabulous band. Not only did you guys nail it, but it was so much fun sharing the stage with all of you…Dan Sia, Aaron Scheff, Craig and Mary Durst, and Steve Gregory, let’s do it again soon!! 🤩
And a big hug to Music Zirconia Talent for booking us again!!! ❤️
#SummerNights #TributetoOliviaNewtonJohn #OliviaNewtonJohn #SummerNightsTributeBand #RockAndRollMagic #TributeToGrease #TheOliviaShow